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Benefits of Empowering Your Customers to Make Informed Decisions

Inbound marketing initially attracts leads by positioning your organisation as a thought leader by creating valuable educational content and experiences, tailored to their needs and pain points (while outbound marketing interrupts your audience with content they don’t necessarily want), to Streamline Your Marketing, you need to address the inbound marketing that solves problems they already have.

Once we have educated our personas or target market, we now give them the ability to self-nurture. i.e. choose what information they want and when. This will be different for B2B, B2C, and differ across industries or verticals…. and can take many different forms. Examples include blog articles, social media, guides, testimonials, product solutions, white papers, ebooks, video etc. 

Inbound Marketing In Action

You create and share content you know your target market will find engaging and interesting. By attracting their attention online with content that’s designed to personally and individually appeal to each of your personas, you draw qualified prospects to your organisation. 


Inbound Tactics CTA


You also keep them coming back for more content they select and eventually they will let you know when they are sales ready. By that time your sales team have highly qualified sales leads - The sales team will know:

  1. Which product or service the sales qualified lead is interested in

  2. How often they have visited your website

  3. Which pages they have visited 

  4. Which blog articles they have read

  5. Which landing pages they read

  6. Which forms they have completed

  7. Which call to action buttons they have clicked on

That's the benefit of Marketing, your sales team are now having an informed sales conversion, providing information to your leads that they have requested. Your leads are therefore making informed decisions. If your sales team need to convert with great efficiency check out our sales enablement product.




If you have any further questions or need help on your Hubspot reach our! Contact Us!

Michael Wolf

Written by Michael Wolf

Founder of Lupo Digital, Michael is extremely passionate about digital and inbound marketing. Michael helps organisations drive rapid and sustainable customer and revenue growth.