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Lupo Digital Growth Blog

Google Update: New Generative AI in Search

Posted  by Glenn Miller  on 27 May 2024

Google's latest announcement regarding Generative AI in Search is a game-changer that is set to revolutionise the way we interact with online content. This major shift is not just imminent; it's happening right now. As an innovative leader in the tech industry, Google's commitment to pushing boundaries and redefining the search experience is evident in this update. With their support, users can expect more personalised, relevant, and efficient search results. Trustworthy and reliable, Google's dedication to enhancing the user experience through cutting-edge technology like Generative AI is commendable.
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New Marketing vs Old Non-Marketing

Posted  by Gabriel McCarthy  on 7 May 2021

As times change, so does people's needs. It always cost company's big bucks to keep all their contacts in a CRM, regardless of their purpose. HubSpot has recognised this, and has translated this into your CRM's contacts.
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Lead prospecting: Understanding the Buyer’s Journey

Posted  by Michael Wolf  on 22 October 2019

Attracting the right people to your organisation’s website is a critical part of your inbound marketing success. In order to achieve this, you need to have the right buyer personas in place that detail your potential customers’ challenges, goals, likes and dislikes.
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