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Lupo Digital Growth Blog

Influencer Marketing

Posted  by Michael Wolf  on 15 December 2017

As commerce moves moves more and more online, opinion leaders are poised to benefit immensely. The principle of a brand ambassador selling benefits of a particular brand, and people sharing that product experience with their friends and family is not new. It’s now captured in the format of a digital key opinion leader (KOL) acting as a brand ambassador, with digital influencers sharing the product experience with their audience online.
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Your 5 Minute Guide To Social Media Publishing

Posted  by Glenn Miller  on 8 August 2017

Marketing has changed, hasn’t it? Many companies find it increasingly difficult to convert leads into clients with traditional marketing techniques. Fortunately, though, social media is proving an increasingly valuable tool for reaching this new breed of consumer.
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Why You Can't Have An Effective Inbound/Content Marketing Campaign Without Social Media

Posted  by Michael Wolf  on 19 July 2017

Inbound marketing has really come into its own in the last few years. It’s now one of the go-to ways to convert visitors from strangers into customers. By offering interesting and engaging content to consumers, they start developing an organic connection to your brand. A sound inbound strategy, mapped out to the needs and requirements of your target audience, can generate consistent ROI without ever disrupting your customer journey.
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