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Lupo Digital Growth Blog

Benefits of Empowering Your Customers to Make Informed Decisions

Posted  by Michael Wolf  on 16 April 2021

Inbound marketing initially attracts leads by positioning your organisation as a thought leader by creating valuable educational content and experiences, tailored to their needs and pain points (while outbound marketing interrupts your audience with content they don’t necessarily want), to Streamline Your Marketing, you need to address the inbound marketing that solves problems they already have.
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Influencer Marketing

Posted  by Michael Wolf  on 15 December 2017

As commerce moves moves more and more online, opinion leaders are poised to benefit immensely. The principle of a brand ambassador selling benefits of a particular brand, and people sharing that product experience with their friends and family is not new. It’s now captured in the format of a digital key opinion leader (KOL) acting as a brand ambassador, with digital influencers sharing the product experience with their audience online.
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