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Why Digital Personalisation is the Key to Customers Engagement



A report reveals that 31% of surveyed consumers say they wish their shopping experience was far more personalised than it currently is. This is not surprising as it makes sense that prospects are more interested in reading content that is relevant to their interests and needs. Organisations that engage leads with personalised content, are for more likely to see an increase in loyalty and conversion.

Make content personal to increase conversions

When your leads receive information from you that they are interested in, they’re going to be more likely to convert. To create personalised content you need to begin with your personas. You need to look at the psychological and sociological drivers and motivators that are at the core of your personas. Once you’ve identified these, you are in a far better position to create the content that will engage your prospective customers.  

Make content personalised to reduce your marketing

Personalised emails significantly improve click-through rates. Personalisation also reduces the large amount of generic emails you have to send out, hoping students will respond to them. By segmenting your lists and creating a personalised experience, you can reduce your emails and increase your open rates. As you nurture your leads, you can push them further down the sales funnel.

Make content personalised to improve lead nurturing

The main purpose of lead nurturing is to educate your leads and provide them with more information about the product or service you are offering. Using marketing automation you can segment your lists and send your top of funnel leads the information and introductory content they’re interested in. You can continue to engage them until they’re at the bottom of your funnel when they’re ready to receive more in-depth content.

Make content personalised to improve sales calls

Digital Personalisation in sales content will ensure your sales team can engage prospects when they call them, rather than connecting with a ‘cold call’, which is essentially a missed opportunity. With the right lead intelligence, you can ensure your sales messaging is always right on target.

Make content personalised to improve your website

If leads visit your website regularly and keep seeing the same content, they’re not going to be very engaged. The first 10 seconds of the page visit are critical for your users’ decision to stay or leave. You can persuade them to stay by using personalisation through dynamic content to present your visitors with something new and relevant to where they are in the sales cycle, each time they visit your site. Whether you choose to segment by list or lifecycle stage, you can ensure you’re presenting content that will interest them, align with where they are in the sales cycle and ensure they move further down the sales funnel.

Make content personalised to delight your customers

Personalisation is all about getting the right information to your prospective customers at the time when they really need it. By doing this, they’ll start to feel you really understand their needs and you’ll be positioning yourself as leader in their minds. Personalised content will differentiate your organisation, positioning you as an expert that cares enough to listen to them and deliver the information they are looking for.

Personalisation – the way to increase customers

These are just some of the important aspects to remember when trying to engage with prospects on an online platform. Lupo Digital is a sales and marketing growth team that specialises in digital sales, service and  inbound marketing, helping organisations with their client engagement and building strong ongoing relationships with their prospects and clients. 

For more information about how inbound marketing works for your organisation, download our executive guide to inbound marketing.

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Michael Wolf

Written by Michael Wolf

Founder of Lupo Digital, Michael is extremely passionate about digital and inbound marketing. Michael helps organisations drive rapid and sustainable customer and revenue growth.