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Stay Top of Mind With Prospective Customers Management

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Prospective customers are spending more time researching their options on the web, and your marketing efforts often needs to adapt by focusing on this as your primary marketing channel.

Inbound marketing is a cost-effective way to attract prospective customers, and a great way to keep your organisation front of mind. You need to create, publish and share content that will interest your prospective customers—this is where your organisations content strategy comes into play.

Here are some of the aspects that your organisation should keep in mind when trying to engage prospective customers online:

Make time to stay in touch with prospective customers

Communicate regularly to ensure that you stay at the forefront of their minds. If you go too long without contact, or don’t send them regular updates and information, then you risk competitors taking your place.

That being said, don’t bombard them with material. Emails that are sent too frequently often become saturated and lose their value.

Differentiate your organisation from competitors

Think about what makes you unique. Is it your rich history? Identify what makes your organisation stand out and communicate this in order to attract prospective customers. Ascertain practical problems, main challenges and misconceptions about a CRM System they may use. 

Provide useful and beneficial content

You can’t create content that you presume is going to attract customers and simply hope for the best. You need a carefully crafted content creation strategy focused on producing information and content that your prospective customers are looking for—and that benefits them in some appropriate way.

You could provide generic education information, information specific to your product or service, case studies, testimonials etc. All of these types of content will interest your target market, and will position your organisation as a thought leader in your industry and help your closed-loop marketing.

These are just some of the important aspects to remember when trying to engage with prospects on an online platform. Lupo Digital is a sales and marketing growth team that specialises in digital sales, service and  inbound marketing, helping organisations with their client engagement and building strong ongoing relationships with their prospects and clients. 

For more information about how inbound marketing works for your organisation, download our executive guide to inbound marketing.

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Michael Wolf

Written by Michael Wolf

Founder of Lupo Digital, Michael is extremely passionate about digital and inbound marketing. Michael helps organisations drive rapid and sustainable customer and revenue growth.