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Lupo Digital Growth Blog

Four Things Every Organisation Should Avoid When Nurturing Leads

Posted  by Michael Wolf  on 6 November 2019

Lead management is an integral part of your organisation's inbound marketing strategy. It allows you to track interactions with prospects, providing a clear view into when and how they converted. Lead management also means you can review what is and isn’t working when it comes to nurturing leads; providing you with a platform to create effective and successful marketing campaigns. Unfortunately, all this can be jeopardised by a few wrong moves. Here are some of the practices that your organisation should avoid when nurturing prospective customers:
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Lead prospecting: Understanding the Buyer’s Journey

Posted  by Michael Wolf  on 22 October 2019

Attracting the right people to your organisation’s website is a critical part of your inbound marketing success. In order to achieve this, you need to have the right buyer personas in place that detail your potential customers’ challenges, goals, likes and dislikes.
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Lead Nurturing Best Practices

Posted  by Michael Wolf  on 4 October 2019

Most organisations now understand that lead nurturing is an integral part of any marketing strategy; it needs to be planned and executed in order to generate the best results. Here are some of the best practices your organisation should follow in their lead nurturing campaigns:
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